Motivation Architect
Spiritual Strategist
Creative Mindset Coach
Law Of Attraction Expert Facilitator
I strongly believe in living my life to its highest potential, and a big part of that by helping others.
I help people achieve their dreams and goals by offering practical advice, strengthening tangible foundation blocks and applying spiritual strategies that empower people to WIN.
Every phase of your life will demand a different version of you...
Aarti Chabria Beedassy
Victorious Mind Power as a venture, is about doing my part to share my proprietary techniques,
my unique suite
of tools and strategies
that address
motivation architecture, spiritual strategising and mindset coaching in a way that is
seamlessly powerful, effective and easy to apply.

Most people know me as Aarti Chabria ‘The Actress’. This is my maiden name and my screen name.
Being an actor in the Indian Film Industry for over 19 years portraying different characters was only possible because of my deep empathy towards someone else’s situation and the number of extreme good and bad situations I have personally gone through, or often, witnessed loved ones go through.
While these real-life situations can overwhelm most people, I have developed methods to help me creatively channel them as layers that build a “character”.
Learning to channel this connection to a “Character” helped me and many of my counselees to break down tough situations that seemed hard to get out of by activating ones own victorious mind power..
Seeing how much this helped me and many others, I systematically developed tools and processes that offer empowerment. These are very doable techniques that first undo self-sabotaging behaviour and clear any “glue” to bad situations and then help them channel the emotions in ways that help them write their own life, write their own character, building it brick by brick and then living it in a healthy way.
These techniques are unique to themselves and have solved unimaginable tangles in people’s lives, lifted them when they felt absolutely ‘check-mated’ or in a ‘quicksand situation’, and even motivated them to start from scratch with reinstated determination and focus.
I can proudly say having a very strong empathy towards people’s situations in life, and my passion for seeing people achieve their goals helped me as an actor too.
This is one of the best things for me as a coach to truly connect to a person’s situation to the point of feeling their tears as mine, working a plan, and feeling their ultimate joys as my success too.

Over the years I studied NLP, CBT, Hypnosis, Access Consciousness (bars and body processes practitioner) EFT Tapping and many other modalities.
Also being a student of Art of Living by Shri Shri , Inner engineering by Sadhguru, follower of Nichiren Daishonin’s Buddhism, and having been initiated for Transcendental Meditation or ‘TM’ by Jadunath Sahoo Guru, I am an ardent admirer of Wayne Dyer, Louise Hay, Marissa Peer, Oprah Winfrey, Deepak Chopra, Robin Sharma and Tony Robins.
More than anything, I am a student of life. I believe you never stop learning and I appreciate what is out there.
I also believe one should never stop doing and achieving what their heart truly desires. To do this one needs to use the power of their mind to develop a victorious mindset, to align their actions in the flow of their desires.
Buddhism Group
Running Access Bars
Initiatied for Transendental
Meditation at the
Centre - MUMBAI
I have never believed in set formulas or rules. Every one carves their own path, and has their own journey. Nothing is too soon and neither is anyone ever late. Nothing is the end of the world and the MIND has the power to manifest ANYTHING you can IMAGINE. I’m the first one to take up challenges and make sure I see them to the end. That is why I did not let my image and popularity as a ‘Bollywood actress’ box me to just that. If my heart felt a calling for more things I wanted to achieve, I set out and did it! Whether it was packing my bags for New York to be a ‘Film Director’, or being a ‘Victorious Mind Power Coach’
There’s no rule that says you can be only be ‘ONE THING’ in this life. But you have ‘ONE LIFE’ and you should do and be everything you want to, the way you want to.
And if your circumstances are not allowing you to go that path, develop a POWERFUL VICTORIOUS MINDSET and carve a new one. There’s always a way, if you’re LOOKING for one. If you don’t ask the question “How”, “where”, “who”, “why”, “when”, who will answer you?
Only when you start asking questions, the answers appear.
Knock and the door will be opened. Seek and you will find. The world will always expect you to follow the set path and do what everyone does, but the decision is yours! Do you want to define your own success by managing people’s expectation of you? Will you be happy living into their definition of success? Or is it time you start creating your own, living your life, your way, fulfilling your dreams, so you feel YOU lived fully.

There’s no rule that says you can be only be ‘ONE THING’ in this life. But you have ‘ONE LIFE’ and you should do and be everything you want to, the way you want to.
Aarti Chabria Beedassy

So let me tell you a story about following my heart bang in the shiny point of my career, where everyone thought I was mad, the press, people I worked with, even my close friends and family.
I had just come back from Cape town after being declared the WINNER of a ‘stunt based’ reality show called Khatron ke Khiladi - Fear Factor. Winning it as an ‘unlikely contestant’ is another story of its own, but here, any one would have expected me to take advantage of my new fame on TV outside the silver screen. Everyone wanted me to do more as actor strategically stepping between interesting roles on the Big Screen and Small Screen that would propel me very far.
But primarily, my path as an actor was never driven by fame, ofcourse I loved the lime light, but what drove me was a genuine empathy towards emotions in real-life situations, and being able to potray them.
If I was really honest to myself, I felt the need to study more and evolve in my craft, rather than just attracting new levels of fame. So I faced MY inner reality, I went away for a break and completed my graduation in ‘Film Direction’ at the New York Film Academy in the United States. From there I risked my hard earned savings and went on to produce and direct my first 30 minute short film. My mind made me interpret this crazy risk as an investment in my calling, one where I would give all I have to realise my dreams, and one I was directly in control of.
Choosing this reality was not easy, I was promised all forms of help but when I needed, many backed out. Reality was that I was alone, and had to make choices to tap out and lose, or go all in. So I found myself taking the full responsibility of directing and producing, learning on the job.
Eventually “Mumbai Varanasi Express” not only won many international awards, it also screened at Internationally acclaimed Film Festivals and was bought by a renowned house that released it!

Behind the scenes
Full Film
Music Video
Was this all luck that my first project achieved it? Or was there some inner workings that boosted me when no one else was?
After which started a series of directorial ventures. From music videos to adverts, I enjoyed doing them all.
It’s easy to believe that just because someone is doing so well, that they had it all easy. Truth is no one notices you when you’re working hard at it, struggling to not drown, struggling to make it worthwhile.
Even when you achieve, many will admire for 2 seconds and create stories to bring you down. So at the end of the day, you have to do it for the most constant person in your life - YOU.
Only my family and I know the perils, hardships, heartbreaks, struggles I went through, through out. And I cannot miss acknowledging my mentors that opened my eyes through my journey. Some challenged me and empowered me to create my own tools where nothing else was helping.
I slowly realized that I was creating simple structured full proof plans so that I could help people go from “playing victim” to “being hero” in their life stories too.
I was overwhelmed with the positive feedback and I was encouraged to record at least some of the introductory conversations through YouTube which I collated as the ‘The Aartao Series’.
When I look back, it’s like everything I ever went through good, bad, success, failure, career choice, relationships, health ups and downs, was all pointing in one direction that was to help me be the best motivational architect, spiritual strategist, and victorious mindset coach there could ever be.
Aartao Series
Latest work:
A live chat series to share the wisdom and transformational methods of the people I follow to live and lead a life of VICTORY.
